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His Eye Seeth Every Precious Thing

The aroma of country ham moves deliciously on the wind. A warm seventy-two degrees on this late March day at 10:10 in the morning and the sun pours through the windows of my temporary She Shed. Cracker Barrel is churning out boxes of carry out to those who dare leave the safety of their homes on this Saturday morning to pick up. Otherwise, no worries, I'm sure they will deliver those biscuit delicacies for you, hopefully tossing in a couple of blackberry jams. In the meantime, it suffices just to take in the aroma while feasting upon some goodness from His Words, which are sweeter than any blackberry jam from Cracker Barrel.
Social media explains it. A few have all the answers, you know. You can always count on them. But to the faithful lovers and followers of Christ, it's a favorite verse of Scripture for such a time as this, a quote from our beloved fathers of the faith, a story of love and redemption, more positive than negative. A baby is born. A loved one dies, sadness to be sure for we cannot gather to say goodbye. No, no. Gathering is not permitted these days. But this will fade as do all the other extemporaneous moments, days and years of our lives, though we have not seen similar, nothing this "separating" and uncertain.
Remember our study of the Names of God? The post was titled "Almost Home." Let's add one here as we so often do... just add one at a time. You can always go back and put them all together, or maybe I'll make a full list for you without adding any explanation.
As I had these thoughts about what's going on in our Country and the World, and I read the Scriptures this morning, this verse was right there!
He cutteth out rivers among the rocks;
and his eye seeth every precious thing.
Job 28:10
I love that He sees. He sees the precious things. No, better than that. He sees every precious thing! And did you get that He "cuts out rivers among the rocks"? That's significant. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Or even closer to home, have you ever been on the banks of the Tallahatchie River?
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, 
beholding the evil and the good.
Job 15:3
Who is this God that sees? El Roi. Our El Roi, He is The God Who Sees!
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them
that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy.
Psalm 33:18
Do you think that God does not see and know what's going on in this world right now? Don't forget, this all belongs to Him, not us, not the Democrats or the Republicans. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present, all consuming, and what's truly amazing is that He is immutable. He never changes. He has not been caught off-guard. Neither can He be found unawares of every minute detail of every day. He knows that we are bored and questioning and concerned, some are sick, some even destitute because they have fallen on hard times or they just didn't plan properly. Whatever your lot... He knows, He sees and He cares.
But we are all free moral agents, responsible for our own actions. He wants your undivided attention right now, as I believe He is either doing or preparing to do something that we've never seen before. That is not prophetic. It's simply theology. Here, let me give you this from His Word:
Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, 
according as we hope in thee.
Psalm 33:22



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