I used to think I was almost home when I got this far down the road. So close, and the heart beat fast as I contemplated seeing Mother and Daddy. Now I try to visualize how they look in their new Home and I long to see them. And Jesus tells me, "Just a few more days, a few more steps, a few more trials; you will be Home."
I never thought about how my Heavenly Father would wrap me in His arms and comfort me when things changed dramatically. But He did. He does. And He will until that great day when I will stand with Him on the other side of this veil of tears. So take heart, dear Christian soldier, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways, They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone" (Psalm 91:11-12).
I gave due diligence in 2019 to the study of the Names of God. I have done this before, but never with such zeal as now. Maybe because—well, this is my 80th year, and I believe with age comes a lot of good advantages, though mixed with a proper portion of aching body and a strong measure of feebleness.
In my youth I did not know that He is my El Shaddai—The All-Sufficient One. The source of my strength, He who has infinite power! The Apostle Paul knew! Christ Himself told him, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." And now I know the value of this—when I am weak, He is Strong! Amazing! Because there are days when it hurts just to put one foot in front of the other. Still greater is the fact that some days I can almost run up and down the stairs!
O, and I didn't know that He is my Adonai—Lord, Master. This speaks to the relationship He has with His children. I am His possession. I love being totally committed to Him, knowing that He loves me with an Everlasting Love and here is that promise: II Timothy 1:12 "for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." What did I commit to Him? A heart and life which, without Him was not worth a dime. But with Him, and with sin confessed and abandoned, is known as a "vessel of honor." And what day? That glorious day when faith will be lost in sight, and He will pull back the veil of sorrows and take me home to be with Him.
I didn't know that He is my El Elyon—The God Most High. Who am I to question Him? He who rules over Israel lives within me as my Most High God. And so I can say with Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18-19-20: "Blessed be the Most High God..." He who is omniscient, omnipotent, omni-present, and immutable is my "Highest"! The Most High God is my God! He is the possessor of heaven and earth! He has all heavenly and all earthly authority!
I didn't know that He is my El Olam—The Everlasting God. "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the worlds, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). And that's how long He has and will ever love me.
I didn't know that He is my Jehovah Nissi—The Lord My Banner. In Exodus 17:15-16, "Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah Nissi: For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that (He) will have war with Amalek from generation to generation." Amalek was the grandson of Esau (Genesis 36:12). He was born after the flesh and forerunner of the Amalekites, Israel's tenacious enemy, a type of the flesh in the believer. Whether you own it or not, you battle the flesh every day of your life in one way or another. So do I. That is how it is in this dispensation. Thank God for His Saving Grace, His Forgiving Grace, and His Keeping Grace! He gave me and He gives me victory over the Enemy (the flesh). Satan cannot touch me! (I Corinthians 9:24-27).
I didn't know that He is my Jehovah Jireh—The Lord Will Provide. So much! So often! So freely! Of all the marvelous provisions, He provided Himself the ultimate Sacrifice. His Son, the Lord Jesus! Is that not what Abraham said to Isaac as he prepared to offer up his only son? "The Lord will Provide Himself a sacrifice"? (Genesis 22:8). Did you think about the fact that that was exactly what God was going to do? Provide Himself a sacrifice. Isaac is a type of Christ, our Sacrifice. Never, until Calvary, was a more precious sacrificial gift offered up than that day at Mt. Moriah. Isaac was obedient "unto death" the death of an only son. Abraham, a type of the Father, who spared not His only son, but delivered Him up for us all (John 3:16). The ram in the thicket, the type of substitution (Christ) the sacrifice offered in our place. Yes, He is my Jehovah Jireh, my Ultimate Provision!
And He is my Elohim (Creator God)
My Breath of Life
Mighty and Strong; the Strong One
The Superior One
The Three in One (The Trinity) Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
There is no God like Him!
Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ..."
Hebrews 11:1-4: The Superior One. He framed the worlds by His own Word (the Word of God).
Colossians 1:16: "... All things were created by Him and for Him..."
Almost Home!
He is my Jehovah Raah—The Lord My Shepherd! Psalm 23; You know, sheep are dumb and dependent. Oh, that is so me! What makes the difference to the sheep? Why, the Shepherd! What a difference Christ makes in my life, my Jehovah Raah!
I would be lost and undone, wandering around blindly, searching for a green pasture, desirous of cool water, needing my soul to be restored; needing to tread the paths of righteousness; walking through the valley of the shadow of death; fearful of evil; no rod or shepherd's staff to tap me back onto the right path; no comforting oil of anointing upon my head; no table prepared for me in the presence of those who scorn me; no goodness, no mercy; no One to follow me and take me Home forever.
Then Jesus came! My Jehovah Raah, My Shepherd. And as the little story goes, He tapped me on my wandering ankle, picked me up, broke the bone of dissidence, anointed it with the oil of healing, wrapped it in His love and mercy, and of all things, He carried me close to His heart until the healing took place. And now, I dare not leave His own wounded side. For He bled and died for me.
Oh, what Love!
Yes, there are more Names of God, and I will cover those next time!
The next one is most precious to me—Jehovah Rapha, The Lord Who Heals. He is personal to me, and probably to you, too. I found out to what great degree just over two years ago when I scarcely knew what day it was. The Great Physician revealed Himself to me like never before and I'll forever be grateful. Maybe I will tell the story.
Jane Bennett Gaddy
March 4, 2020
I never thought about how my Heavenly Father would wrap me in His arms and comfort me when things changed dramatically. But He did. He does. And He will until that great day when I will stand with Him on the other side of this veil of tears. So take heart, dear Christian soldier, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways, They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone" (Psalm 91:11-12).
I gave due diligence in 2019 to the study of the Names of God. I have done this before, but never with such zeal as now. Maybe because—well, this is my 80th year, and I believe with age comes a lot of good advantages, though mixed with a proper portion of aching body and a strong measure of feebleness.
In my youth I did not know that He is my El Shaddai—The All-Sufficient One. The source of my strength, He who has infinite power! The Apostle Paul knew! Christ Himself told him, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." And now I know the value of this—when I am weak, He is Strong! Amazing! Because there are days when it hurts just to put one foot in front of the other. Still greater is the fact that some days I can almost run up and down the stairs!
I didn't know that He is my El Elyon—The God Most High. Who am I to question Him? He who rules over Israel lives within me as my Most High God. And so I can say with Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18-19-20: "Blessed be the Most High God..." He who is omniscient, omnipotent, omni-present, and immutable is my "Highest"! The Most High God is my God! He is the possessor of heaven and earth! He has all heavenly and all earthly authority!
I didn't know that He is my El Olam—The Everlasting God. "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the worlds, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). And that's how long He has and will ever love me.
I didn't know that He is my Jehovah Nissi—The Lord My Banner. In Exodus 17:15-16, "Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah Nissi: For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that (He) will have war with Amalek from generation to generation." Amalek was the grandson of Esau (Genesis 36:12). He was born after the flesh and forerunner of the Amalekites, Israel's tenacious enemy, a type of the flesh in the believer. Whether you own it or not, you battle the flesh every day of your life in one way or another. So do I. That is how it is in this dispensation. Thank God for His Saving Grace, His Forgiving Grace, and His Keeping Grace! He gave me and He gives me victory over the Enemy (the flesh). Satan cannot touch me! (I Corinthians 9:24-27).
I didn't know that He is my Jehovah Jireh—The Lord Will Provide. So much! So often! So freely! Of all the marvelous provisions, He provided Himself the ultimate Sacrifice. His Son, the Lord Jesus! Is that not what Abraham said to Isaac as he prepared to offer up his only son? "The Lord will Provide Himself a sacrifice"? (Genesis 22:8). Did you think about the fact that that was exactly what God was going to do? Provide Himself a sacrifice. Isaac is a type of Christ, our Sacrifice. Never, until Calvary, was a more precious sacrificial gift offered up than that day at Mt. Moriah. Isaac was obedient "unto death" the death of an only son. Abraham, a type of the Father, who spared not His only son, but delivered Him up for us all (John 3:16). The ram in the thicket, the type of substitution (Christ) the sacrifice offered in our place. Yes, He is my Jehovah Jireh, my Ultimate Provision!
And He is my Elohim (Creator God)
My Breath of Life
Mighty and Strong; the Strong One
The Superior One
The Three in One (The Trinity) Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
There is no God like Him!
Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ..."
Hebrews 11:1-4: The Superior One. He framed the worlds by His own Word (the Word of God).
Colossians 1:16: "... All things were created by Him and for Him..."
Almost Home!
He is my Jehovah Raah—The Lord My Shepherd! Psalm 23; You know, sheep are dumb and dependent. Oh, that is so me! What makes the difference to the sheep? Why, the Shepherd! What a difference Christ makes in my life, my Jehovah Raah!
I would be lost and undone, wandering around blindly, searching for a green pasture, desirous of cool water, needing my soul to be restored; needing to tread the paths of righteousness; walking through the valley of the shadow of death; fearful of evil; no rod or shepherd's staff to tap me back onto the right path; no comforting oil of anointing upon my head; no table prepared for me in the presence of those who scorn me; no goodness, no mercy; no One to follow me and take me Home forever.
Then Jesus came! My Jehovah Raah, My Shepherd. And as the little story goes, He tapped me on my wandering ankle, picked me up, broke the bone of dissidence, anointed it with the oil of healing, wrapped it in His love and mercy, and of all things, He carried me close to His heart until the healing took place. And now, I dare not leave His own wounded side. For He bled and died for me.
Oh, what Love!
Yes, there are more Names of God, and I will cover those next time!
The next one is most precious to me—Jehovah Rapha, The Lord Who Heals. He is personal to me, and probably to you, too. I found out to what great degree just over two years ago when I scarcely knew what day it was. The Great Physician revealed Himself to me like never before and I'll forever be grateful. Maybe I will tell the story.
Jane Bennett Gaddy
March 4, 2020
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