It's Publishing Time
I haven't posted here in a while.
My time is consumed with getting
JOAB ready for the publisher.
It is a grueling process.
My publishing consultant
called this morning,
just getting everything
aligned for me.
They are so helpful,
but the majority of the
work always falls on the author,
whether you self-publish
or publish with an agent.
It is now old hat with me,
JOAB being my seventh book
to get to the publisher.
Four of them are my own;
three are clients' books.
And I'm constantly
interrupted by—well by life.
It does go on.
I'm thankful for some
getaway places. I have to
change it up from time to time.
Familiarity, you know.
And then people start to know you,
and you get nothing done.
But talk!
And then there is the marketing.
Press releases, scheduling signings and events.
This will be my best year for events and signings.
I have scheduled four out of eight signings I need to have in a three-week time frame in Mississippi and Tennessee. And while I was having coffee with my eclectic friends this morning, I got another invitation to consider a signing in the mountains of Georgia! I want to do that one and while I'm at it, I would like to go back to South Carolina. Maybe I can do those in early summer.
I'll keep you "posted" about JOAB. I must get back to the cover. I have my ideas!
Nice chatting with you today!
See you next time.
And Merry Christmas from Dixie!
Jane Bennett Gaddy
Trinity, FLA
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